Childhood Emotions

About Childhood Emotions

Odious has created 4 new exclusive NFTs in the $MEME collab. Three pieces will go into a pool where you can stake $MEME. Deposit any amount (up to 5 $MEME) and you’ll earn points where you can mint a brand-new, exclusive MEME x Odious NFT.

Farm3 NFTs

why do i have to hide, they don't

  • 250 left
  • 15 Pineapples + 0.01 ETH
Supply 250

school taught me a lot

  • 100 left
  • 30 Pineapples + 0.1 ETH
Supply 100

they say photographs last longer, they were wrong

  • 10 left
  • 45 Pineapples + 1 ETH
Supply 10