Cometh x MEME featuring Kristy Glas

About Cometh x MEME featuring Kristy Glas is partnering with $MEME on a featured staking pool with 4 exclusive NFT spaceships only obtainable on $MEME that can be used in the Cometh DeFi game. These NFTs have special utility: they can be used as in-game assets within Cometh to mine smart asteroids filled with DeFi tokens.

Farm3 NFTs


  • 50 left
  • 15 Pineapples + 0.01 ETH
Supply 50


  • 10 left
  • 30 Pineapples + 0.05 ETH
Supply 10


  • 5 left
  • 45 Pineapples + 0.1 ETH
Supply 5