The Original Event Drop

About The Original Event Drop

This year it’s virtual and free to attend. However, by participating in the $MEME staking pool below, you can earn special access to exclusive experiences.

Lock up to 5 tokens in the new LA Blockchain pool. Once you earn enough points, you can mint brand-new, exclusive MEME x LABS 2020 NFTs.

But the fun doesn’t stop there. These NFTs provide the owner certain exclusive VIP access to special events and experiences.

Farm3 NFTs

LA Blockchain Summit Relic

  • 1000 left
  • 1 Pineapples
Supply 1000

LA Blockchain Summit Common

  • 100 left
  • 15 Pineapples
Supply 100

LA Blockchain Summit Rare

  • 10 left
  • 30 Pineapples
Supply 10